So what did Bindel and Moran actually say?

English under the brief norwegian text.

Kvinnefronten har jo som kjent sluppet et Lydklipp fra festivalen, ikke video som det ble hevdet de hadde, men jaja. Men hva sies egentlig der? Det kan være vanskelig å forstå alt når man hører det slik, så jeg har valgt å skrive ned alt som ble sagt, så kan dere avgjøre selv. For å si det mildt så står jeg fremdeles for mine tidligere uttalelser om Bindel og Moran.

The Womens Front has as we know released a Audio clip from the festival, not video as was first proclaimed, but let’s pay that no mind right now. (Scroll down in the link to find the audio clip)

But what is actually being said? It can be hard to understand everything when heard like that, so I have chose to write down everything that was said, so you can decide for yourselves. To put it nicely, I still stand by my former opinions on Bindel and Moran.

Question from the audience(me): When you use the word “women”, do you include trans women aswell, or just cis women.

Moran: I don’t identify as a cis women, I have to say and I don’t appreciate being labeled by anybody else. I don’t..I’m not..I’m a woman. I’m not a cis woman, I’m a woman.”

Q: It was for the panel, you(Moran) were the only one who mentioned the word trans, that’s why I asked.

Bindel: I’m on the board of Space International and we support absolutely anyone who is abused and exploited within the sex trade. That includes trans men, trans women, children, adult

men, adult women, whoever. And in fact we’ve had some great support from some trans women who have talked about the pro sex work lobby tried to make the two issues indivisible. So this mantra that the majority of sex workers are trans, therefore if you are against sex work, you are transphobic has to be knocked on its head, ’cause it’s really affecting the human rights of those trans people who wish to exit the Sex trade, or not have the story written for them in this pro Sex work way.

I’d like to say something about the term cis woman. I have no problem whatsoever with somebody saying to me “can you explain wether you are a trans woman or not”, or a woman who was born female. Nothing at all. The problem with the term cis for feminists, is that the women’s movement, at least my women’s movement, was built upon the notion that gender is a social construct, and that gender hurts women very badly, girls and women. Because it is a total and utter fallacy, that we are somehow growing up softer, weaker, more emotional, less capable than men. Gender benefits men, greatly, because it says that men are more powerful, more privileged, stronger etc.

So I’m a gender abolishonist, so to say that, as a cis woman, I…this is the description of cis, is that you are born into a body, where you feel comfortable with your gender”

No, the fact is that women became feminists because they hate gender rules imposed on us*applause* so how could we possibly be happy with a gender rule that is imposed upon women, we hate it. And that is my problem with the term cis, but I think the wider question is, do we support trans people, absolutely, and we want more trans people to come forward and say, the sex trade is harmful”


2 kommentarer
    1. Så logikken hennes er… hun er ikke transfobisk, neida, ikke i det hele tatt, men hun sier indirekte at de skader feminismen ved å definere seg som “kvinner” og dermed… gjøre at hun må ha et ekstra ord foran sin definisjon som kvinne? Jeg skjønner ærlig talt ikke hva hun mener her, uansett hvor mye jeg vrir hjernen.

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